Sunday, 26 June 2011

my birthday

Not gonna lie, im the most useless blogger in the world. I know i've said it before & its no excuse but i've had alot going on at the moment, so just havnt really thought about blogging, I even thought about just giving up - or starting new when im ready, which im still unsure on if i'll do, but for now - here's a quick post on how i spent my birthday :)

On my actual birthday i had a few people round for some drinks then headed into town, nothing to spectacular but was a pretty good night in the end. :)
my mum also made me a penguin cake, as she knows the love i have for them!

The night before i went out for a meal with the girls who couldnt come out on the saturday, we had chinese food, and lots of giggles! and always the fool as i am, a few happy snaps!


  1. Aww hope you had a lovely birthday. Only give it up if it feels right for you and if your heart isn't in it. I like your blog :-) x

  2. Aww dont give up your blog! Just take a break, we will still be here when you blog again :)


  3. thankyou girls <3 , i really enjoy it when i do it, but then when i dont have time i feel so bad! x

  4. Cute photos and the cake looks lovely. Everyone has a blip when it comes to their blogs, it doesn't mean their useless or anything, I think your blog is really pretty.


  5. That penguin cake is amazing!

    Looks like you had a lovely birthday :) xx
