Sunday, 6 April 2014


Long time now speak (or typing whichever way you want to word it!) I'm currently writing this on my iPhone which is a pet peeve of mine as 9/10 I hate the way it turns out as a blog post, but beggers can't be choosers and so on so here we are! 
I thought I'd give you a quick little life update as so much is going on this year it's unreal - I head off to Las Vegas in five weeks and I absolutly can't wait to just get away and have a few days just sat around doing nothing but sunbathing and eating cake. (naughty!) 
I'm then getting married in August, which obviously I'm super excited about but also has alot of planning revolved around it and lots of questions, colours and ribbon sizes to be resolved. #lesigh 
Because of this, and clearly the crazy lady that I am, I have also recently purchased my first ever home! It won't be finished untill September/October time which gives me enough time to get excited buying cute house decor and scouring the interwebs for the perfect furniture! On top of all these, I obviously still work full time as a manager in retail so not the best or most social hours! But alas. It's onwards and upwards and a super exiting year to look forward too!

I'm so happy that I'll finally have my own little dream home that I can tweak and modify myself so that I can work blog photos and even maybe a couple of cheeky outfit posts around it! But untill then, I'm afraid you'll have to bare with me with what I have Aswell as maybe a few wedding and house posts instead of the initial just beauty posts - as I do like to throw abit of my life into my blog so it makes it more personal! 

Eleanor x

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